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Probably the Sphynx cat; it is very attention-seeking and affectionate, and its lack of warm, protective fur means it needs to be kept warm in the winter.

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Q: What cat breed is the most dependent on their humans?
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The cat breed that sheds the most is the Maine Coon.

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Siamese or Persians are probably the most famous cat breed.

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Persians are the most popular cat breed, but most cats owned are mongrels (mixed breed).

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The most popular breed is probably the Moggy which is just a normal cat with no particular breed.

Which cat breed weighs the most?

Probably the Maine Coon because they are the largest cat breed. =)

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The most popular cat breed is a Persian.

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The most popular pedigree breed of cat is the Persian, but the Domestic Shorthair (otherwise known as the Moggy or mixed breed) is much more popular.

What breed is a cat if it has white paws and a black body?

There is no way to tell just by the colors what breed that cat might be. It is most likely mixed breed, though.

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The most popular cat breed right now is the Persian.

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