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Wash the dog in baby shampoo and add one bottle of white vinegar to the bath water. Do NOT get in dog's eyes or ears. Keep the dog in the tub of water as long as possible (15-20 minutes). Rinse well.

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18y ago

Cedar Chips. Most kennels use this and put a little paper down as well in a corner. Most dogs are very clean and like to keep the bathroom habits to one corner of the kennel.

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Q: What can you use on a dog's fur to get rid of kennel smell?
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When dogs go to a kennel do they miss their owners?

Like us ,dogs do miss their brother and sisters, so i warn u if u get rid of a dog in a family then it will get really upset even though u don't see it happen.

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No. If you are allergic, look into getting a hypoallergenic dog. These dogs have hair, like humans, instead of fur. Some of these dogs are poodles and bishon frises.

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use deodorant, or detergent water, or vinegar water or just dig around the poop until the smell is gone

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To get rid of musty smell from a fur coat, you can sprinkle baking soda on the coat and let it sit for a few hours before gently brushing it off. You can also hang the coat outside in fresh air for a day or two. Avoid using water or heat as it can damage the fur.

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Baths or you can buy special scented sprays just for dogs. scents may include rose or tropical to green apple or vanilla.

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To get rid of a rubber smell, you can light a candle. You can also look into some other form of air freshener or incense.

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Get rid of the car. You should not Be driving you fool

How can you get rid of loose fur on pets?

You brush and groom them