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cool water then take he/she to the vet.

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Q: What can you give your dog for a cough she has only at night?
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Can you use triaminic cough medicine on your dog?

You can give your dog certain over the counter cough medications for humans that contain dextromethorphan. This does include Triaminic cough medication.

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My opinion is Kennel Cough

What medicine can you give your dog for kennel cough?

Our dog has recently returned from the kennels with Kennels cough. We have been using Benylin tickly cough medicine which was recommended by the vet. It has stop her coughing as frequently.

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What can you do if your dog has kettle cough and you cant afford a vet?

It is kennel cough,not kettle. The dog will get over it in 2 to 3 weeks without doing anything. If the coughing is driving you crazy just give the dog a teaspoon of over the counter cough medicine.It is basically just a dog cold.There is a shot and a nasla innoculation that you can give every 6 months that will prevent the dog from getting it.

Is there a product to stop a dog peeing in the house at night?

The only way to prevent this, is to walk the dog in the evening. Don't give it pills, your dog will hate you for it.

Does penicillin cure kennel cough in dogs?

You need to take your dog in to a Veterinarian to be examined. Kennel cough is a virus which antibiotics are ineffective against. A Vet will usually give you antibiotics only to prevent secondary bacterial infections. Do not try to treat this at home, take your pet to a Veterinarian for the correct treatment.

Can your dog take Robitussin CF Max?

No - Robitussin is a human medication that can make dogs very sick. To deal with kennel cough (a bacteria infection of the upper respiratory tract with Bordetella), you will need to take your dog to the veterinarian for antibiotics.

Can a dog take benzonatate for cough?

It is not a good idea to give a dog any medication that is for humans. Dogs are genetically different and are not prescribed the same medications as a person would be. Benzonatate is not safe to give to a dog.

Your yorkie is having a bad cough is baytril ok to give her?

Better consult a vet. He will look at the cause of the cough (can be all sorts) and recommend a medication. The important thing is also the dosage. He/She will be able to evaluate how much the dog needs, how often and for what period of time. Should the cough be persistent it might be advisable to give antibiotics, but the dog needs to be examined to say. No one can make a real diagnosis from the distance, therefore recommendations for medical treatment should be treated with caution. Wishing you and your dog the best.

Can you give cough syrup to your dog?

You should never give human medications to dogs - dogs do not react to the medications the same way people do. In particular, you should not give an antitussive (cough suppressant) to your dog if he is coughing as the coughing is his body's way of getting disease out of his lungs. If your dog is coughing, you should take him to the veterinarian for evaluation - there are several common causes of coughing in dogs (most notably "kennel cough") that need to be treated with antibiotics.

What can you give your dog that you can buy at a drugstore for her bad cough she has from getting valley fever until you can get her to a vet?

If your dog has the Valley fever and you want to try go over-the-counter medication asked the pharmacist if a cough medicine for humans would hurt your dog. Try that until you can afford to see the vet.