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Platypuses are not really in need of any help. Since they have been protected by law, their numbers are estimated to have returned to the same levels they were when European settlement first began in Australia. Their biggest threat is habitat loss and being entangled in fishing nets, but increased awareness of these problems is reducing their effects on the platypus population.

Because platypuses are now a protected species, fortunately there are fewer dangers to them than there were when they were being hunted for their pelts. However, things we can do are:

  • Ensure we do not use fishing nets around freshwater rivers, lakes and creeks. Many platypuses have died horrible deaths after becoming entangled in fishing nets.
  • Do what we can to keep our waterways clean and clear of pollution of any type.
  • After floodwaters have gone through a creek or river system, check for baby platypuses, which are vulnerable to being swept out of their burrows and drowned.
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15y ago

You don't. You may not have a platypus as a pet anywhere.

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14y ago

You can't, sadly it's illegal to own a platypus anywhere in the world. :(

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what does the platypus do to help the enviroment

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DNA help classify the platypus because with out it the DNA the platypus would be classified with the marsupials which would be wrong.

How does it help a platypus being a mammal and reptile?

The platypus is not a reptile - it is an egg-laying mammal.

Who RAISES the baby platypus when growing up?

The mother does. Father does not help.

How do the eyelashes help a platypus?

they use their eyelashes for reproduction :) hope this helped!

How would a duck shaped bill help the platypus collect its food?

The shape of the platypus's bill helps it to scoop up food from the mud and silt on the bottom of creeks and rivers.

What is Platypus bill?

a platypus's bill is a bill that is on a platypus

What is a platypus's bill?

a platypus's bill is a bill that is on a platypus

What characteristics help the platypus as it hunts for food?

The platypus has a number of unique adaptations which help it to find food. The platypus dives into creeks and rivers for its food. Its bill has sensitive electroreceptors which pick up tiny nerve and electrical impulses generated by crustaceans and other animals that inhabit the bottom of the creek or river. The platypus then uses its bill to shovel away the dirt, and find the food. It does not have teeth, but hard bony plates which it uses to grind the food. The platypus has webbed feet which help it to swim, and which have a retracting webbed membrane which can expose the claws, enabling the platypus to effectively dig burrows in riverbanks for shelter, and the webbing membrane retracts for that purpose, but spreads between its toes when it needs to swim - which it needs to do to get its food.

Do Beaver have tails?

The platypus does not actually have a tail like a beaver.The beaver's tail is broader and flatter than a platypus's, and covered with special scales. The platypus's tail is covered with dense fur.Their tails serve different purposes. The beaver's tail is used to help propel it along in the water. The platypus's tail is used as a rudder, for steering when it is swimming, but it also stores fat. A thicker tail is the sign of a healthier platypus.

What is the binomial name for the platypus?

Ornithorhynchus anatinusThe original name was Platypus anatinus, from Greek and Latin words meaning "flat-footed, duck-like". After realising that the name "platypus" had already be given to a group of beetles, the scientist involved assigned the platypus the scientific name of Ornithorhynchus anatinus, the first word of which means "bird-like snout".

Is a platypus a hoarder?

No. The platypus is not a hoarder.