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Q: What can you do about calcium build-up in a dachshund's spine?
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Calcium deposits in the back of your neck?

Calcium deposits of the spinal cord is known as stenosis. Stenosis is an arthritis of the spine when there is enough buildup to cause impingement.

What the hardness in water?

Buildup of minerals like calcium.

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How do you remove the buildup of calcium on your kitchen utensils?

Calcium can be dissolved by white vinegar. It works best to soak the buildup in full strength white vinegar, but if you have to spray it on and let it soak, that works pretty well, too.

What is calcium buildup on the wrist?

Calcium buildup, anywhere in the body in general, is called 'calcification' or 'calcinosis' if it occurs in soft tissue. However, I'm having trouble answering your question because you have not specified what part of the wrist you are referring to (i.e, bone, muscle, cartilage, or cutaneous tissue.) For example, calcium buildup specifically in the skin is called 'calcinosis cutis' and is a feature of diseases such as scleroderma.

What it means to have calcium deposits on your spine at a young age?

you did it little girl

How does the Barcelona White Finish Showerhead handle calcium buildup?

The Barcelona showerhead can either be filtered to prevent calcium deposits, or can simply be cleaned as needed.

Lime calcium build up?

To remove lime calcium buildup, you can create a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar to soak the affected area or use a commercial descaler. Scrub with a brush or cloth and rinse thoroughly. Repeat if necessary for stubborn buildup.

What information do you have about Dachshunds?

There is a wealth of information available on dachshunds on the link below.

How long have dachshunds been on earth?

Shorthaired and Longhaired Dachshunds had appeared in Europe since the 15th century, and Wirehaired Dachshunds were first bred in 1790.

Are our teeth and elepahnt's tusk an homologous organ?

No, because the tusks of elephants are basically there bones. Tusks are an outer-skeletal bone. Human teeth are made from calcium and Carbon buildup that comes from the mother's calcium deposits

What is articular sclerosis?

Articular sclerosis is hardening, scarring or plaque buildup of joints. This condition typically occurs in bony joint areas like the knees, hips, and spine.