Black people is fine. If you are calling them then Miss or Sir is polite. If you're just talking about them then Black is fine and not politically incorrect. "People of Color" is a very polite way to speak of black people without offending anyone and sounds much better than black. Never ever use the "N" word as that shows you have no class whatsoever though.
At best, you call them "prejudiced". At worst, you call them "racist". Period.
The n-word.
That is how they distinguish people in spain. They use this to classify the color of the skin literally. They call the fairer skinned spanish people white, where as they call the darker skinned people black. Its not like in America when we use these words to classify race.
because its expensive and it is the colour black
it is called the black land because of all the black people that lived there
the plauge!
people and zombies
no they can be black brown and white or tan as some people call them
bad luk or little black cats