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Add a small amount of cooked white rice to your dogs food. The rice will absorb the extra moisture. This is only if your dog is not allergic to grains.

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Q: What can you add to a dogs food to stop diarrhea?
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Can you add oil to your dogs food?

Adding oil to your dogs food is something that can cause stomach upset. The oil gets stuck in the intestines, and can cause diarrhea and other digestive issues.

Does apple cider vinegar help with travellers diarrhea?

yes also add a teaspoon of honey to stop the diarrhea.

What are some ways to treat diarrhea in dogs?

One of the most effective ways to treat diarrhea is to take 'Imodium'. Imodium is an opioid drug used specifically to treat diarrhea. One can also use products such as 'Dioralyte' which will prevent one from becoming dehydrated from diarrhea.

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Could be down to its diet, if you change his/her food slowly or add some rice, see if that helps if not a trip to the vet..

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Q.Can dogs have watermellon? A.Yes, mostly all fruits dogs can have and it is actually good for them! Sometimes makers of dog food add fruit for a mor heathier dog.

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Garlic is not harmful to dogs. Some dogs dislike the smell or taste & won't eat it, but many pet owners add garlic powder or finely chopped garlic to their pet's food to help in repelling fleas.

What if your dog gets diarrhea and loose bowel but not throwing up?

If your dog has diarrhea and loose stools but is not vomiting, it could be due to dietary indiscretion, stress, parasites, or a mild illness. Ensure your dog has access to plenty of water to prevent dehydration, and consider feeding a bland diet of boiled chicken and rice to help settle their stomach. If symptoms persist for more than 24 hours or worsen, consult your veterinarian for further guidance and treatment.

Can dogs have ADD?

Yes, your dog can have ADD

Are there any inexpensive remedies to stop my dog's diarrhea?

There are several inexpensive remedies to treat dog's diarrhea. The following are some steps to treat dog's diarrhea. 1. Determine the cause of the dog's diarrhea. 2. If the dog has ingested a toxic substance it is advice to take him to veterinary clinic promptly. 3. If there is no medical problem involve make sure the dog takes plenty of water to avoid dehydration. 4. Add probiotic powder to dog's water.

How can you stop diareaha in your dog?

There is very little you can do at home to stop a dog's diarrhea, and much of what you can try presumes the problem is stress or a minor intestinal infection. You can try adding some canned pumpkin or beets to your dog's food (no salt added, preferrably) to add some fiber, which may help solidify your dog's stools. You can also try waiting it out a couple of days. However, if your dog is acting otherwise ill (doesn't want to play, doesn't want to eat, etc.) or if the diarrhea doesn't resolve in a couple of days, you need to take your dog to your veterinarian for an examination. Incidentally, you should NEVER give your dog human medications - dogs are very sensitive to human medications and you can cause a severe overdose or even death with them.

How should you change a dogs food?

if they are used to one type of food and do not take other food or they are fussy and do not eat it other type s of food then you should add a little bit of the type of food you want to give them to the one they are eating at present....

How do you treat dogs dragging their bottoms?

Common sign of worms. There is a medication for that you can add to their food available most better stocked pet sections.