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Q: What can giraffes put into their ears that most animals cannot?
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Related questions

How do giraffes get their homes?

Giraffes, like most large wild animals, live in the open and do not have homes.

Does everybody have ears?

NO not all animals do most peopel have ears

Why do most living animals have ears?

So that they can hear...

What else eats giraffes than sharks?

(most) Sharks live in oceans, and giraffes don't go swimming, so Sharks don't eat giraffes. The only animals that regularly eat adult giraffes are lions.

Do giraffes have any health problems?

Like all living animals, giraffes do have health problems. They get most diseases and viruses just like us humans.

Is a giraffe dumb?

"Dumb" means that an animal (or person) is incapable of making sounds to communicate. Whilst giraffes are generally regarded as silent animals, they do make vocalisations in some situations, so they could not be regarded as "dumb". If the question refers to the intelligence level of giraffes: while they are not among the smartest of animals, they most certainly can learn and adapt their behaviour, which indicates that they are not stupid animals.

What kind of animals can be found in the savanna?

Lions Hippo's Rhino's Gazelle's Zebra's Crocodile's Aligators

Are giraffes one of the most important animals?

yes, because of their long necks scientists believe that they are the 4th most important animal!

Which animals sleep standing up?

Most four legged grazing animals sleep standing up including horses, giraffes, zebras, and elephants.

How do pigs hear things?

The same way most animals do... through their ears !

Is giraffes found in rajasthan?

Yes. Since eating all of the monkeys, they are now the most populous animals in Rajasthan. Surprisingly, only 12% are Hindu with the vast majority being Jewish Giraffes.

Are Nigerian giraffes endangered?

most species are not but the Nigerian giraffes are