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one reason is that you're really drunk !-0 one reason is that you're really drunk !-0

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Q: What can cause ones eyes to be 'blood shot' all the time?
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Can eye drops used to dialate the eye cause adverse symptoms?

Yes. If you use them continuously your eyes become weak and will be blood shot when you don't use the eye drops. It can also cause hyperemia - an excess of blood in the vessels supplying the eye and this means your eyes will look blood shot all the time. Trying using it partially if you can.

Can you get glassy or blood shot eyes if you are sleepy and tired?

Yes you can.

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Does blood shot eyes mean you are drunk?

Blood shot eyes can be a symptom of alcohol intoxication, but they can also be caused by other factors such as allergies, dry eyes, eye strain, or lack of sleep. So, blood shot eyes alone are not necessarily a definitive sign of being drunk.

How do you tell if someone is using drugs by their eyes?

They are often blood shot (red) and protruding.

Can marijuana intoxication be determined by the eyes of the user?

most of the time you will have red blood shot eyes, but eye drops can help tons.

What causes glassy and blood shot eyes?

Rabies is one pollution and allergies:) electrictype :D

How do you hold the pain in a blood taking shot?

close your eyes and remember the person you love the most

Do hubby bars make your eyes red?

It all depends on the person, for me it makes my eyes blood shot! 2 segments usually get me going.

Why do a persons eyes become after smoking marijuana?

the THC in marijuana increases your heart rate, increasing the blood flow to your eyes thus making your eyes red and blood shot. it also gives your eye color more depth.

What makes you have blood shot eyes falling a sleep while working slurring words drulling and eyes rolling to the back of your head?

Sleep deprivation

What are the long term effect of general anesthetic?

Um blood shot eyes, a huge head, and your dumb question...