

What can can a rabbit eat?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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they love greens, lettuce, especially and of course carrots

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: What can can a rabbit eat?
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a rabbit will eat anything but plastic

Will one rabbit eat another rabbit?

usually not... but a mother rabbit would eat her baby if it died

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No, Rabbit's are herbivore's.

What eats a rabbit what does a rabbit eat?

i donβ€˜t know

What would a rabbit eat?

A rabbit would eat bark, grass, herbs, fruit, buds/twigs.

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The answer is no. A hawk would probably eat a snow rabbit.

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A vulture would eat about any dead animal. So if the rabbit was dead the vulture would eat it.

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If the rabbit is alive, then this is not likely, However, if the tortoise is not strictly vegetarian (which is not), then if it finds pieces of dead rabbit perhaps it will eat it

Will a rabbit eat beans?

They will eat anything they can get their teeth on, but feeding beans to a rabbit is unhealthy and I very much recommend you don't give beans to a rabbit.

What Can A Rabbit Eat?

Rabbits eat vegetables, rabbit pellets, and Monty Python's Knights of the Round Table.