A Papillon IS a dog breed.
Pitbull and mastiff
it is believed to have 355 breeds of dog including mix breeds.
Because dog breeders make dogs reproduce so they make many different breeds on purpose.
Dog breeding is getting certain dogs together to make a baby to meet the needs of the customer wanting a certain dog.
Well, there are many different dogs out there. There are maybe somewhere around 5000+ different Dog Breeds dog breeds will never stop as long as different dogs breed to make different and amazing breeds!
No because there is no such thing as snickerdoodle day cause you can have it whenever you want.
pug and westhighland terrier
Well, there are many different dogs out there. There are maybe somewhere around 5000+ different dog breeds dog breeds will never stop as long as different dogs breed to make different and amazing breeds!
Dog hybrid depending on the mix of the breeds. Then they have the same qualites of both breeds.
A bernese Mountain dog is a pure bread dog. It's not "made up" of other kinds of dogs...
There are around 200 dog breeds recognized in Australia by the Australian National Kennel Council.