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Jerseys are the breed that produces the most milk fat, they are known to have 5.1% milk fat compared to the Holstein breed that only has 3.7 % milk fat.

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Q: What breed produces the most milk fat?
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Why are jerseys the best cow?

No breed is the best. However Jerseys may be the "best" since they are the only dairy breed that produces high-butter fat milk.

What produces butter?

Butter is produced from full fat milk.

How much fat in dairy milk?

1% fat

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Milk is sold in the market with varying amounts of fat in it. Whole milk is milk without any of the fat removed and is 3.25% fat by weight. Skimmed milk or fat free milk has no fat at all, ie, whole milk minus all the fat. Half and Half is half milk and half cream. And then there are 1% and 2% reduced milk. 2% milk contains 2% of fat by weight, and 1% milk contains 1% of fat by weight. So, whole milk contains 1.5% more fat that 2% milk and 2.5% more than 1% milk. Milk fat also varies by breed which can be up to 6%. The reason that commercial milk runs in the 3.5% range is because the primary breed used by most dairies in the US (Holstein) produces milk in that range.

Is cocont milk fat?

No. Coconuts are a plant, not a product of what an animal produces.

What type of fresh milk contains the most fat?

Raw milk and homogenized milk (that which has 3.5% milk fat).

Which dairy cow produces the highest percentage of milk fat?

Jersey cow.

Do they take fat out of skimmed milk?

No. The take most of the fat out of whole milk to make skimmed milk.

What type of milk has the most calcium?

Fat free milk has the most calcium and or soy milk!

What does 1 percent milk fat mean?

It means that the amount of butterfat in that milk, or milk product is 1% of the total volume of the product. It qualifies as "low fat". As it comes from the cow - depending on the breed of cow - milk is 4% to 5% butterfat.

What type of milk has almost of the fat removed?

Milk with most of the fat removed is called Skim Milk(sometimes called Skimmed Milk.)

What is the difference between fat free and skimmed milk a?

Skimmed milk has a bit of fat, fat free milk has no fat