A Boxer
German Shorthair Pointer
Its a White German Shepherd as I have one exactly the same at home!
The dog is mine and he's a sheep dog mixed with a laparatsu his name is Bolt and is currently on a photoshoot as we speak. I'm the photographer of the HSL ad's
Basset Hound.. Hush puppy shoes ad
Thinkbox has the advert with the dog and the blue teddy rabbit.
The type of dog featured in the Bakers Complete advert is a Cocker Spaniel.
No, a dog that is a toy breed has to reproduce with a dog of the same breed. This means that they will produce the same breed of dog. And not a dog out of the toy column.
It looks just like my dog and he is a Tibetan Terrier. It's a Bearded Collie - we have owned them for 16 years now, very beautiful & intelligent breed of dog. BUT anyone thinking "cute dog let's get one" please bear in mind it's a working dog breed, high maintenance needing constant grooming and mental stimulation.
No, drifter is not a breed of dog.
The breed of this dog is a Labrador Retriever.
The breed of my dog is a Labrador Retriever.