The breed of dog known for its fluffy white coat resembling a snowball is the Samoyed.
jack russell terrier
American Eskimo Dogs for sure :)
It could be in a Maine Coon - Kittylover2422
The dog breed featured in the movie "The Proposal" is a Samoyed. Samoyeds are known for their fluffy white coats and friendly demeanor.
Droopy dogs
It could be a fluffy white cat or a fluffy white bunny or maybe a polar bear !
White Fluffy Clouds was created in 2003.
A snowy owl has fluffy white feathers :)
There are "white fluffy rabbits" in many breeds. One would need a more detailed description to determine which breed.
Turkish Angora was the first breed it is a white Fluffy cat which is generally large and mabey a bit fat but basically a persiun
sa queue est moelleux et blanc "Its tail is fluffy and white"