Felix the Cat's girlfriend is named Kitty. She is a black and white female anthropomorphic cat who often appears in the Felix the Cat cartoons and comics.
A tuxedo cat
Depending on the parent's genes, it is likely the kittens will be either Black, White or a mixture of the two.
A white cat can be of any breed. It is simply a white cat.
can be any! That s if you mean BLACK and white cat if you mean black I've never heard of it. black and white can be any breed, if your interested in buying you'll ahev to ask at your breeders what type of catit is...
Well if its a female it is a Calico Cat and if not then i have no clue...
not sure a cat with long hair persen im not sure a cat cant shed person white maybe black <:(
There is no way to tell just by the colors what breed that cat might be. It is most likely mixed breed, though.
It depends because a ginger tom and a black and white mixed breed bred and one of the kittens was grey with ginger splodges. You may get another white cat or brown cat or a white cat with brown splodges.
No, not a type of breed, it's just the color of their fur.
The shorthairs with the light black and the white. I love those!
If your talking about a household cat, then you may be refering to a silver Egyptian Mau.