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The red panda's mating is the same as the regular pandas but they are way differnt

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Q: What behaviors are common to a red pandas?
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Does a red panda have any behaviors?

red pandas have behaivior if you leave them alone peacefully.

What are some unique behaviors of red pandas?

table cant walk so that is my answer

What do red pandas and tigers do not have in common?

Their diets. Red pandas are omnivores while tigers are carnivores.

Where are red pandas most common?


What do red pandas and dolphins have in common?

they are both animals

What is the difference between red pandas and black and white pandas?

red pandas are red and black and white pandas are black and white

How do red pandas meet their habitat?

pandas can be red?

Are red pandas actually red?

Red pandas are a reddish brown.

What is the red pandas favorite food?

Like giant pandas, red pandas primarily eat bamboo.

Are red pandas a panda at all?

Technically, yes red pandas are pandas. In fact they were the very first pandas. The other pandas were named after it.

What are pandas species?

red pandas and giant pandas

Are pandas bigger than red pandas?

yes are much much bigger then red pandas but pandas are known better