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No bear would dare mess with, let alone kill a bull moose on the rut.

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Q: What bear can kill a bull moose?
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Can a kodiak bear kill a moose?

Yes, if the kodiak bear avoided the moose's hooves and antlers (if it is a bull moose). Even a grizzly bear or an alaskan brown bear could kill a bull moose, but not when it is on the rut.

Can a bull moose kill a bobcat?

Yes. A bull moose could even kill a grizzly bear.

Can a bull elephant on the rut kill a moose?

Yes, a bull elephant can easily kill a moose.

Can a regular moose kill a bobcat?

No,A bull moose is the only moose that can kill a Bobcat.

Can a moose defend itself against a bear?

It is possible, but of course this depends on the size, age and sex of the moose and the bear, and the species of the bear. A bull moose has strong, large antlers and long sharp hooves (cows only have their hooves to defend themselves with) that could do serious damage to the bear. Most bears, no matter the species, won't mess with an animal that can fight back, especially a moose. However, a bear like a large grizzly or Alaskan brown bear might be able to injure a moose if it was really angry, or large and fearless enough to put up a good fight against such a raging herbivore. A bear would have to claw and bite it's way out of a fight with a moose, but Lord help them if that moose is an angry bull on the rut with those powerful antlers. But as far as a moose being able to kill a bear, such cases may be rare because often either party would wish to run away to save themselves rather than getting killed.

Can a bull moose kill a python?

No, a python can kill a moose with its bite. It can get infected.

Who would win a fight a crocodile or a bull moose?

A crocodile and a bull moose would never meet in the wild, but even if they did fight, either may win. A saltwater crocodile would beat a bull moose in water because of its 2000 pounded weight, sharp tough skin, and enormous size with the jaws. If they fought on land, the bull moose could trample the saltwater crocodile to death, but the saltwater crocodile might be too heavy and too big for the bull moose to kill. Even though the bull moose on the rut can kill a grizzly bear or a brown bear, the saltwater crocodile could drag an alive polar bear to the water and drown it! Saltwater crocodiles are like the strongest creatures on land and water!

Can a large bull moose with giant antlers kill a bear?

Possibly, yes: however the bear is more likely get injured than killed if he took on such a beast, simply because he would rather live than do a stupid thing like fight such a large bull moose to the death. A mature bull moose's antlers are like daggers, and an angry bull moose that has a bone to pick with a bear that won't get out of its way will most likely get injured or even killed. In order to cause death to a bear, the moose would have to gore the bear through the ribs or in the abdomen in order to cause serious injury enough for the bear to die either right there in the scene of the crime or after the fact. Moose are big animals, especially the bulls, and are great fighters, and any ordinary bear, no matter the size or health condition, would think twice about taking on a moose. Bears may take a chance to kill and eat moose calves, but they would have Momma moose to contend with if that ever happens, and she can be just as fierce and dangerous as a bull moose, even if she doesn't have antlers.

How many grizzlies would it take to kill a moose?

One attacking grizzly bear is enough to kill a moose, but those large set of antlers are good at killing a bear. The moose would do whatever to fight off the grizzly bear with antlers, hooves, and muscles on the head to fight. But since grizzly bears are so large and have deadly claws, the moose would suffer fatal injuries on its head and the antlers as well. A powerful swipe of a grizzly bear's paw can break a moose's antler or even a bull. the grizzly bear's huge jaws with sharp enough teeth can kill a moose easily.

Is a bull stronger than a moose?

There are too many variables to this question, since it depends on the species of bear and what that species of bear is compared to the breed of bull. In a general sense, their strengths could be equaled, though some may argue that a bull has more power than a bear any given day.

What is the most dangerous animals in Montana?

A grizzly bear. In Montana, the grizzly bears can grow 9 ft tall and weigh more than half a ton. They can even kill adult bull moose.

Can a moose kill a wolf?

It is possible for a moose to kill a wolf in self-defense, especially if the moose feels threatened or cornered. Moose are known to be aggressive and can use their size and strength to defend against predators like wolves.