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I read about their plight, and make my judgments on what I read. The polar bear, for one thing, is not an endangered species. In fact, their numbers are more or less stable. Add to that the polar ice cap is not melting, but growing, and I think the great bear will be around for some time.

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13y ago
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11y ago

Nothing - Polar Bears have been around a lot longer than humans, and will be around a long time after we're gone.

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14y ago

They like to live in an Artic area. They have thick jackets to protect them from the cold. They are always white, and you can usually find them in the North and South pole.

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What endangers polar bears?

Right now nothing. Polar bears are doing quite well.

What are polar bears doing that could be dangerous to people?

Eating them.

What are people doing to save the polar bears?

Sponsoring a Polar Bear via WWF and buying Toyota Priuses that's what.

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polar bears are related to bears.

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Polar bears do.

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Do polar bears grow fast?

POLAR BEARS Polar bears actually grow pretty fast.

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Polar bears are bears

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Polar bears are mammals.

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Do you have polar bears?

Polar bears are animals of Arctic regions. The only polar bears here are in the NC Zoo.