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Pray. Have the dog sit and put lean against a couch or chair and put their two front legs together with their head bowed down on their legs (eyes hidden.) "Bang ... you're dead!" Teach your dog when you say "Bang" he'll fall back and pretend he's been shot. Pretending he is lame. You can teach the dog to limp or hop on 3 legs so it appears to others he's lame. Dogs CAN TELL COLORS so teach him to fetch a red ball instead of the blue or yellow one (my dog Tootsie can do this and she can also say her prayers.)

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Q: What are tricks you can teach a dog that already knows how to sit lay down shake and come?
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ther isn't a limit to the amount of tricks she could learn, i have a yorkie, she knows 10 or 11 tricks and shes still learning. it is said that once u teach a yorkie something 15 times, comprehesively, they should get it!

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you can teach budgies many tricks, but to list them all would be too hard. google it.

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