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Hunting, racing, preying

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Run, hunt and kill.

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what are verbs for a cheetah

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Q: What are three verbs for a cheetah?
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what are some verbs ending in ING that is used to describe a Cheetah?


What are three irregular verbs?

Three irregular verbs in English are "go" (went), "eat" (ate), and "come" (came).

Select the three auxiliary verbs mine have be it do?

The three auxiliary verbs are "have," "be," and "do."

What were the three verbs suggested to the receiver?

The three verbs suggested were "evaluate," "ignore," and "implement."

What are the three helping verbs for emphatic form?

The three helping verbs of emphatic would be , Shall , Will , and do

What are the three kinds of verbs?

The three kinds of verbs are action verbs, linking verbs, and helping verbs. Action verbs show physical or mental action. Linking verbs connect the subject to a description. Helping verbs work with the main verb to express tense or to add emphasis.

What are three verbs describing the ground or earth?

Verbs dont describe things

Can verb phrases have three helping verbs?

Yes, verb phrases can have three helping verbs. For example, "could have been watching" is a verb phrase with three helping verbs: could, have, and been. These helping verbs work together to convey the idea of a continuous action in the past.

What are three types of verbs?

Three types of verbs are: Action verbs- express physical or mental action. Linking verbs- connect the subject of a sentence to a subject complement. Helping verbs- work in conjunction with main verbs to express shades of meaning or tense.

How is a butterfly's life different from a cheetah's?

A butterfly is an insect, while a cheetah is an mammoth. A butterfly's life have three phases, but a cheetah don't have one.

What are 3 verbs?

Three verbs are a doing word e.g, Running, Texting, Sleeping

What three qualities should your verbs have?

Verbs should have the three qualities of being specific, engaging, and vivid. They can also be strong, lively, and concise.