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You will want to check for a shiny (not sweaty looking) coat, no bald patches of fur, the eyes are bright and responsive, and the mouse itself is active and running around. They have normal bodily fluid movements too. Sick rats develop a hunch-back, and they appear to have difficulty breathing. They squint their eyes, barely walk or move, and they look like they have been sweating. Missing fur can be caused by stress or mites. If you suspect something may be wrong with your rat, clean the bedding and line the cage with toilet paper and have some shredded toilet paper in the corner. This way you can see if they are urinating blood or if the are going to be bathroom at all. Sick animals typically hide when they are ill as a defensive mechanism. That's why you should only have a corner of shredded toilet paper for them to nest in. Healthy mice will SHRED all of the toilet paper... as sick mice will not make the effort and go to the one corner that is pre-shredded. Hey there, lively, good apetite. Not over weight. check for mites and lice in the hair. Inspect tail to see if there are and red patches or marks same with the ears. And nose. If it does, its a bad thing. It might be or have been picked on by others or have mites. If it has mite is should be treated asap because in severe cases they can die from mite infestation. Also check for clear eyes. Hope this helps.

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Q: What are the symptoms of a healthy mouse?
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