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They both run fast

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Q: What are the similarties between a house cat and a cheetah?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a big cat and cheetah?

A big cat can roar but a little cat can only purr

Is the cheetah part of the cat family?

yes they are!

What cat is the fastest?

Cheetah the Fastest Cat

What is the fasteast cat?


Is the lion the fastest cat?

No, The Cheetah is the Fastest cat.

What is the cheetah's family's name?

The cheetah is a member of the cat family, Felidae.

What family does a cheetah belong in as in?

A cheetah belongs in the cat family and it a mammal.

What is fastest big cat?

The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world, traveling at speeds of up to 65 miles per hour. In contrast, the slowest cat in the world is the common house cat.

What cat breed is fastest?

Fatest Cat BreedNaturally Tabby cats are fater than other cats

What is the cat with red eyes in telus commercial?

The cat with the red eyes in the Telus commercial is a baby cheetah.

What is a big black cat fast running cat?


How are a cheetah and a leopard alike and different?

a cheetah is faster but they are both in the cat family