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Straining to pass urine, blood in urine (urine can appear pink or red), pain on urination and increased frequency of urination. Sometimes you can even feel the bladder stones grinding in the bladder if you feel the abdomen gently. Answer questions on for interactive advice from vets.

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Q: What are the signs of bladder stones in dogs?
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Can peanut butter cause bladder stones in dogs?

Peanut butter itself is not likely to cause bladder stones in dogs. However, some peanut butters contain added ingredients like sugar or xylitol which may not be suitable for dogs and could potentially impact their bladder health. It is always best to stick to natural and unsweetened peanut butter when feeding it to your dog.

Does bladder stones cause some dogs not to eat?

sometimes but it dependens on what they got them from

Is I ams good for dogs to eat with bladder stones?

Depends which one you buy

How do you prevent bladder stones in dogs?

Reduce the amount of calcium in their diet.

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Can your bladder stones prevent you from becoming pregnant?

No, bladder stones have no effect on fertility.

What are the signs of bladder infection in dogs?

The signs of bladder infection in dogs include frequent urination, straining to urinate, blood in the urine, and accidents in the house. Other signs may include licking the genital area, fever, and lethargy. If you notice these symptoms, it's important to take your dog to the vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What are the common causes and preventive measures for the recurrence of bladder stones in cats?

Common causes of bladder stones in cats include diet, genetics, and underlying medical conditions. Preventive measures to reduce the recurrence of bladder stones in cats include providing a balanced diet, ensuring adequate hydration, regular veterinary check-ups, and monitoring for any signs of urinary issues.

Do bladder stones return in dogs?

They can, depending on why the stones formed in the first place. In dogs, the stones are usually due to the interaction of the dog's diet and the dog's genetics. Since you can't change the genetics, most veterinarians will recommend a special diet to help reduce the chance of recurrence.

Why do guinea pigs get bladder stones?

Yes,if given too much sugar,they may get bladder stones.

What are the signs of a bladder infection in dogs?

The signs of a bladder infection in dogs may include frequent urination, straining to urinate, blood in the urine, and accidents in the house. Other signs can include licking the genital area, discomfort when touched, and a strong odor to the urine. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's important to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What is the name of the kidney stone disease?

Renal calculosis is one of many names for the condition or formation of kidney stones or renal calculi. Nephrolithiasis refers to the condition of having kidney stones or renal calculi. Urolithiasis refers to the condition of having calculi in the urinary tract (which also includes the kidneys), which may form or pass into the urinary bladder. Ureterolithiasis is the condition of having a calculus in the ureter, the tube connecting the kidneys and the bladder. The term bladder stones usually applies to urolithiasis of the bladder in non-human animals such as dogs and cats.