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Alphas: There is an Alpha Male and an Alpha Female in a pack. Usually, they are mates. These two are the only ones who are aloud to mate and have pups in the pack, unless they give permission to another two wolves in their pack to mate. These wolves are respected by all the pack and the pack will always follow their orders.

Beta: There is usually only one Beta, but sometimes, quite rarely actually, there may be two. A Beta is like second-in-command or a deputy. The Beta gives the orders when the Alphas aren't around, but as soon as the Alphas return, the Beta is not in charge. The Beta is near the top of the wolf pack, but still highly respects the Alphas. Usually, the Beta will find a mate, and run off to have pups with him/her and start their own pack. Or the Beta will wait and take on the role of Alpha of his/her current pack.

Delta: Not much to say about the Delta except that they are training to become the Beta.

Wolves: Then there are just the pack members. These members have no rank in the pack really and they all respect the Alphas and do what they are told.

Omega: At the bottom of the pack is the Omega. This wolf usually becomes the Omega because they did something wrong or bad. The Omega is treated with no respect at all and usually they have no friends within the pack. They do work and chores and are bossed around by everyone.

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10y ago
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9y ago

The highest rank is Alpha, who are the leaders of the pack and the only wolves who can have pups , then Beta, second in command.

Then veta, which is mostly the average rank in the pack and the second lowest rank is Omega,Omega wolves are usually taking care of the pups or begging for food. ther lowest is pup (thats only technically)

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11y ago

If im correct some ranks are.....

Alpha Female (usually the highest ranking)

Beta Male

Beta Female (sometimes)


Medicine Wolf




Pup Sitters


Delta Male

Delta Female




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13y ago

Alpha male and female, Beta male and female, princes, princesses, and pups.

From the way that I understand it wolves don't really have ranks. From the way that I understand it, a wolf pack consists of the mating pair and their offspring. In a larger group of wolves with more than one mating pair, the eldest pair will take the "lead" assuming the position of "alpha".

There is always a lead pair, that is true. The 'Beta male' had best submit when it's eating time -the leader decides who eats next, then next, and so on down the line.

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7y ago

The Ranks In A Wolf Park Are...

alpha male: male leader

alpha female: female leader

beta male: male deputy

beta female: female deputy

delta male: male beta in training

delta female: female beta in training.

sentinel: patrolers

elders: old wolves

hunters: hunters

scouts: warn your pack and other packs of danger. visits other packs. pretty much messengers.

warriors: fighters.

pup watchers: they watch the pups.

subordinates: unranked wolves.

omega: the lowest of the low. usually used as slaves. pups of a raped wolf, pups of a traitor, prisoner, ect.

apprentices: a wolf in training for a rank.

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11y ago

First there is the alpha pair, the leaders of the pack. There are two alphas, Alpha Male and the Alpha female. Most of the pack is their offspring, but some wolves just join the pack randomly. The alphas are the parents of the pack, the wisest ones.

Then there are the Betas. They are the second in command in the pack, the next dominant animals. One wolf becomes dominant and becomes the beta, then he or she chooses a mate to become the other beta of the opposite sex. They are both the second in charge.

The rest f the pack have no ranks, they're just the rest of the pack. In fiction books, though, they make up ranks like patrol-wolves, hunters, warriors, caretakers, healer wolves, and all of that, but in the real life they are unclassified.

Then there are the pup-mothers and pups (The wolfs with pups).

Then the last known and lowest ranked wolf is the most submissive ones. They are known as 'Omegas'. The omegas are the lowest in the pack, the most submissive ones, and the least cared about. They are the last to eat the food the pack catches, if not then they're forced to eat the leftover of the carcass or the bones, and they don't receive as much attention. They may be omegas because maybe they were the pups of prisoner wolves, raped wolves, they were rejected by a mother and found by the pack, challenging to the alpha pair, came from an enemy pack, and many other reasons why they would be lowest in the pack. They are also sometimes called 'gnaw wolves'.

Those are the realistic wolf ranks. If you need the fantasy ranks, just ask!

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14y ago

alpha is the highest,beta is in the middle, and omega is the lowest

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