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there's comet halley, comet hale-bop, comet borrelly, and Comet wild 2... that's all i can think now.

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Q: What are the name of a comet's?
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Related questions

What are the comets name?

See related link for a list of periodic and non periodic comets.

What is the Greek name for comets?

The Greek name for comets is "αστέρια του θεού" (astéria tou theoú), which translates to "stars of the gods."

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What are comets name after?

Normally the person that discovers it gets to name it or put forward a name for it.

What are celestial comets?

Celestial comets is a more formal name for comets. Comets are objects in space orbiting the Sun with long orbits. They are thought to be made of frozen water. As they near the Sun they produce a long glowing tail trailing behind.

What is the name of the cloud with frozen comets that is by Pluto?

The cloud of frozen comets that surrounds Pluto is called the Kuiper Belt.

Which television show did Bill Haley and His Comets appear on in 1955?

There's no indication of anyone by that name playing with Bill Haley and His Comets; there have been no less than 3-4 groups carrying the name Bill Haley's Comets in the years after Haley's death, so someone named Goodson could have performed with one of those groups.

What is the name for the Sun all the planets and the comets etc that revolve around it?

If you mean all our planets and comets, it's called the Sun. It is called "The Solar System".

What is the name for the sun all of the planets and the comets etc that revolve around it?

The name for the sun, planets, comets, and other celestial bodies that revolve around it is called the solar system.

What is the possessive noun for comets?

The singular form is comet, the plural form is comets, the possessive plural is comets'. Example: The comets' paths will not cross.

What do comets and asteroids not have in common?

Comets are Comets and Asteroids are Asteroids