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One disadvantage of good grooming is the time and effort required to maintain a consistent grooming routine. Additionally, some grooming practices, such as frequent hair washing or the use of certain products, can strip the hair and skin of natural oils, leading to dryness or irritation. Over-grooming, such as excessive brushing or styling, can also damage the hair or skin. Finally, the cost of high-quality grooming products and services can be a disadvantage for some individuals.

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12y ago

Although being a groom for a horse can be fun, sometimes you can get stuck with a horse with un-pleasent ground manners like biting, kicking, maybe even bolting or rearing whenever they are being led to their paddocks. And, even though cleaning tack is very important to make sure that there is no wear and tear on the leather, always did not like to do it!

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good grooming is everything about a male or female>rienabel delacruz......belardo

Articles on good grooming?

I recommend that you look up grooming on google. Other than that, if you have a specific question about grooming, you are free to ask us.

What is grooming a pony good for?

it keeps it healthy

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Some good websites to find pet grooming games would be: or

What is mobile grooming?

Mobile grooming is when the groomers come to you. Usualy they have a van that has a grooming station set up inside. It is very good for people who are disabled or elderly that can not leave the house to take their pets to a grooming salon.

What is the opposite mean of good grooming?

badly groomed

What are the factors that contribute to good grooming?

Factors that contribute to good grooming are: Physical exercise Eating balanced diet Cleaning the body and wearing appropriate, clean fitting clothes Good body posture Good interpersonal relationship Having enough sleep and rest.

What are the factors should be considered in good grooming?

Daily bathing

What does good grooming means?

Grooming is the way you clean up and make yourself presentable, like bathing, brushing your hair and teeth and making sure your clothes are clean and neat. Good grooming means that you are doing the right, healthy things to keep yourself clean and presentable.

What are some good dog grooming schools in California?

There are many good dog grooming schools in California. One is Pet Grooming Program, which can be found on the internet. You can also find others on the internet or in phone books, but remember, the reviews are by people, and everyone will have different likes and dislikes.

Why is good grooming important?

Good grooming is important because it reflects an individual's level of self-care, respect for others, and overall appearance. It also affects one's confidence and psychological well-being and can play a role in how others perceive them. Good grooming practices also help maintain good hygiene, which is important for health and well-being.

How significant of good grooming to ones personality?

the significant of good grooming to one's personality are like you how give importance of you personality and how you manage your without help of others... and also good grooming is very important in one personality because it is depend on how you give inportant of what you have and para you are presentable and ready to face any challenges with a smile...