The tiger has a striped coat, the lion has a pale yellow brown hide.
The Siberian and Bengal tigers are somewhat heavier and longer than lions.
Lions are a bit taller at the shoulder.
Male lions have a mane.
Tigers have slightly longer canine teeth and claws.
Tigers are more prone to swimming than lions.
Lions are normally social, where tigers usually hunt alone.
tigers are bigger then lions and the most biggest tiger is the Siberian tiger. And the biggest lion is the Barbary lion what lives in the Savannah. So the difference between a lion and tiger is size.
Lions are bolder than tigers, but tigers, being lone hunters, have to be more cautious. Tigers are more powerful than lions on average, however.
lions are alot cooler
Tigers can run faster and for longer time and distance than lions...
It depends what you mean by "main difference." If you mean what they look like, then the answer is simple: Tigers are usually orange like fire, and have black stripes. Lions are usually sandy coloured, and the male lions have a big mane around their head and neck. There are also more detailed differences between lions and tigers. Tigers are bigger and stronger, have longer claws, and live in forests or jungles. Lions are smaller than tigers, they have longer faces, and they live in the savannah.
it is lions, tigers, and bears
monkes have hands and tigers have claws.
Both Lions and Tigers are apex predators but they have some key differences. Some are:Tigers are solitary whereas Lions live in a prideMale Tigers has to search for females to mate while Male Lions maintain a harem of lionessesFemale Tigers take the sole responsibility of cubs individually while all female lionesses in a pride share the responsibility
Some differences are:Lions are social animals that live in a pride while Tigers are solitary huntersTigers have a striped skin with yellow and black colors while Lions have a plain brown skin with small spots of black here and there (Rarely)Male lions have a Mane while Tigers dont
lions and tigers eat meat by killing them such as deer, wild pig, and such like.
Lions and tigers are completely different species. Baby lions are called cubs