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What causes Antler growth you may ask? Well I believe that it is caused from when deer get older and when they do they go through puberty and which that means they grow bigger and then they have better anthlers What causes Antler growth you may ask? Well I believe that it is caused from when deer get older and when they do they go through puberty and which that means they grow bigger and then they have better anthlers

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What causes non typical antlers in whitetail deer?

This happens when the antler is damaged in some way during growth when the antler is still in velvet.

When do antlers grow back?

The deer's antler growth season is from March to September.

Is human growth hormone made from deer antler velvet?

No, human growth hormone is not made from deer antler velvet. Human growth hormone is a naturally occurring hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. Deer antler velvet is a supplement made from the soft, velvety coating on deer antlers.

What are all the ways growth can be prevented?

Death. Malnutrition. Defects.

What is a deer horn?

An antler.

How do you use antler in a sentence?

I found an antler in the woods!

What tool is similar to an antler?

A Knife is similar to an antler. I think.

When was Antler Luggage created?

Antler Luggage was created in 1914.

Are deer antlers the new steroids?

No. Though they are claimed to be by those who do not truly understand or know the benefits and, essentially, the ingredients of antler velvet from not only deer but elk as well, they are not the "new steriod." They do contain IGF and EGF which are growth "hormones" or rather growth factors, but not so much that they are considered steriods. Antler velvet does not contain steriods, but the growth factor they do contain is what stimulates growth in muscle and bones. There are many other benefits to this "new" product, see the related link below for more information.

What is a bay antler?

A bay antler is the second tine of a stag's horn.

What is an antler tip called?

An antler tip is called a tine. Tines are the pointed branches that protrude from an antler's main beam. They are typically found at the distal end of the antler.

What two types of defects does a cancerous cell possess?

Cancerous cells can have both genetic defects, such as mutations in key oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes, and functional defects, such as uncontrolled proliferation and evasion of cell death mechanisms. These defects allow cancer cells to grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body.