The Siberian tiger (Panthera Tigris altaica), a is a rare subspecies of tiger (P. Tigris). It is considered to be the biggest of the nine recent tiger subspecies and the largest member of the family Felidae. In other words, it is the largest tiger, and therefore the largest cat, in the world. It is now a protected species.
The Siberian tiger is largest cat on earth. They can weigh 700 pounds and be eleven feet long. They live in cold northern forests of China, Russia, and North Korea. They feed mostly on deer and wild pig. Once critically endangered, they have began to make a comeback, nearly 600 now roam the wilds. The Siberian is not white. The white tigers are Bengals, who have a recessive gene.They are very rare in the wild.
A Siberian tiger is a subspecies of the tiger, one of several.
A Siberian tiger is a subspecies of the tiger, one of several.
A Siberian tiger cub
Siberian tiger was created in 1884.
Siberian tiger cubs!
The only known predator to a Siberian tiger, is a human.
Siberian tigers are stronger then sumatran tigers because Siberian tigers are the most wildest tiger in the world.
No, the Siberian tiger is not an omnivore. It is a carnivore, primarily consuming meat from hunting animals such as deer and boar.
The Siberian tiger is the biggest species if tiger today.
the south Chinese tigerthe south Chinese tiger
The Siberian Tiger actually only has one predator - Humans. Siberian tigers are an endangered species.
A Siberian tiger is stronger that a bull shark, but not a tiger shark.