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An overpopulation of dear is a BAD thing it will hurt the deer and the environment. The only good thing is that some of the deer can be culled to reduce the population to sustainable levels and the culled deer make very good eating.

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Q: What are the advantages of overpopulation of deer?
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An overpopulation of deer in a certain area will most likely lead to?

an increase in competition between the deer

What are the cons of overpopulation of deer?

Some potential cons of overpopulation of deer include increased risk of vehicle collisions, damage to crops and vegetation, spread of disease, and negative impact on the natural balance of ecosystems.

What problems does overpopulation of deer cause for humans?

more automotive accidents

Why is it bad to have an overpopulation of deer?

It puts a lot of unnecessary stress on plant life.

Which organism directly to help reduce overpopulation in deer herd?

1.parasites and predators

Why is it important to manage white tail deer populations?

To prevent overpopulation and decimation of vegetation that these deer always eat. It also prevents more collisions with deer than if they were left to overpopulate.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of public distribution of India?

1. air born diseases are caused by overpopulation

What are dis advantages of Industrial Revolution?

Pollution, overpopulation, concentration of money and power to a few, social misery.

Should you hunt or save deer?

It's a double-edged sword, really. To me, it's best to save deer when the population is quite small, smaller than it should be. But when the deer population has increased to more than what it should be (also called overpopulation), then deer should be hunted to decrease the numbers.

How do antlerless deer tags in Wisconsin affect the deer population?

Hunting licenses help to regulate the deer herds. Having a deer license does not mean you can shoot any deer you want. You are allowed so many bucks and so many does. This helps to keep the deer herds in the optimal number so they don't all starve from overpopulation.

An ecological effect of deer overpopulation in rural and suburban areas and urban parks is?

Deer overpopulation can lead to overgrazing of vegetation, causing loss of biodiversity and disruption of plant communities. This can negatively impact other species that depend on those plants for food and habitat, leading to a decrease in overall ecosystem health. Additionally, deer can also spread diseases to other wildlife and alter forest regeneration dynamics.

Can you start a paragraph with the word but?

You'd do better to pick a different way to express your idea, since 'but' refers to something before or preceding that thought. Notice the difference if you were reading these. First sentence But hunters enjoy the overpopulation of deer during hunting season. versus First sentence Many farmers complain that large deer populations in northeastern USA can destroy their crops from over-grazing. But hunters enjoy the overpopulation of deer during hunting season. Always remember, the 'but' must refer to some thought before the 'but'.