polar bears,seals,killer whales,etc.
In the population of anteaters then and now we have variants. Organisms that have little differences in morphology and behavior. Against the anteaters immediate environment, specifically it's way of making a living ( eating ants ) there were some anteaters with better length snouts. These anteaters were selected by being better able to survive eating ants and thus they were more reproductively successful. So, the alleles for this successful traits were passed to progeny who had the same traits and over time the snout of anteaters changed, adapted, better to the way they made their ant eating living. This is evolution.
Anteaters and some humans do.
What kind of anteaters? In South America there are the Giant anteater and its relatives such as the the tamandua and pigmy anteaters. In Australia and Papua New Guinea there are the spiny anteaters, also called echidnas. In Australia there also are other kinds, such as the banded anteaters or numbats. In Africa there is the aardvark or ant bear and then there are the scaly anteaters or pangolins; some kinds of pangolin live in Africa and some in Southern Asia. There also are other animals that eat various kinds of ants and termites, and some of them are called anteaters, such as the Oecobiidae, spiders that eat mainly ants. Common names (such as "anteater" can be very misleading. For example, many so-called anteaters prefer termites.)
they have very long noses
Anteaters do not live in America what so ever because of the climate. Anteaters like cold weather and usually live in Ireland. There has been some cases where scientists have found whole colonies of anteaters under the pacific ocean and their diet consists of octopuses, sharks and whales.
baby peguins learn to swim in the cold warm swam water
The anteater has a very long tounge.
Yes. Anteaters are placental mammals because they do not have a pouch like most marsupials, and they do not lay eggs like the monotremes. The echidna, which is sometimes called the "spiny anteater", is not a true anteater. It is a monotreme, or egg-laying mammal.
because that is were the can get there food from so it is easier for them that going some where else.
Robins, anteaters, red-shafted flickers, rat terriers, humans, aye-ayes.
No, anteaters do not eat birds or hawks. They eat ants and other small insects.