You may be able to get a Havanese dog through the National Havanese Rescue. A Havanese breeder is another option for obtaining this breed of dog.
The Havanese is the national dog of Cuba. This little white dog of Havana also known as Havana Silk Dogs. The Havanese is a toy dog, so it is a great dog to play with.
The tallest a havanese can get is about up to your knees. A havanese is a small/medium sized dog. My havanese is up to my knees, but I have seen a tiny full grown havanese
The dog named biscuit is a dog. His dog is a Havanese. He likes to chew things and fetch frisbees. He is small and black.
Call your veterinarian and explain what is wrong, they should be able to assist you.
as a companion dog
about 12 years
my dog that's a havanese gets a mouth full of her dog food and brings it to another place. she doesnt like her food.
The Havanese, or sometimes referred to as the Havana Silk Dog
Havanese puppies or Havanese canines are also referrd to as "Havana Silk Dogs". Havanese canines are related to the Bichon breed and are the national dog of Cuba. They are also called "Havanese Silk Dogs" due to their fine, soft coat.