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Westies are relatively healthy little dogs. By far, the biggest potential issue for them is Allergies --- especially skin allergies. Not all Westies have allergy problems, but for ones that do --- their owners should be very careful to use only hypo-allergenic shampoos and other grooming products. Also on the allergy question, some can be sensitive to particular dog food ingredients --- especially corn and wheat. Westies with those problems do much better with lamb and rice formula dog foods.

Some Westies can have luxating patella --- that means back leg kneecaps that "slip" out of place on occasion, giving the affected Westie a "skipping" gait. Other issues (though not common) are an osteo (bone) condition called lion-jaw that clears up as the puppy grows, and "white shaker syndrome" which can affect all-white dogs of any breed and causes intermittent shaking seizures that come on when the dog is nervous and from which the dog completely recovers after each seizure. Again, these last two are NOT common.

In general, Westies are a healthy breed ... just watch for skin allergies.

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