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Well, it depends what you are talking
about. Literally, they can walk, trot, lope, and run. In western riding, they are many different disciplines that you can train your horse in such as barrel racing, cutting, reining, pole bending, team roping, breakaway roping, calf roping, steer Wrestling, team penning/sorting, trail riding, western pleasure, and many more. Horses can also learn tricks

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12y ago

Work your horse at all 3 gaits in both directions. Practice the walk first, use your legs to extend the walk and your seat and hands to bring your horse back to the regular walk. I like to slightly flex my horse's head as we walk during warm up. This softens his mouth to the bit and stretches his neck muscles out.

Work up to the trot. Use the same routine as the walk. Practice your regular trot and then move into the extended trot using more leg, then again with your seat and hands bring him back to regular trot. If you ride English you can add the sitting and posting trot. Trot in large circles and change directions to work the other side.

Same goes for the canter. Extend and then bring him down to regular canter and alternate this like you did at the walk and trot. These exercises will keep your horse soft and light in your hands and will improve your communication with him by using your seat and legs.

Don't forget to give your horse new challanges too. After the above exercise take him for a trail ride or whatever you have available. Horses, just like people, can get bored. So keep him and you happy with some variety.

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14y ago

well if it's for you while u are on the horse lay back on its but without bring your legs forward than do the opposite lean so your hands are in the middle of your horses ears without binging your legs back and for the horse make him /her canter in a small circle without over-bending their neck.

To warm your horse up, cool him down after a work-out, or just to reinforce rider aids start at a walk then trot and last lope/canter in a 20 meter circle. Use your outside leg to move him in to make the circle smaller. Then the inside leg to push him out to make the circle larger again. Work him both directions. Then try a figure 8 at all 3 gaits, (walk, trot, lope/canter) When you get to the lope/canter in the center of the 8 ask for a flying change. If your horse doesn't do flying changes bring him back to a trot for a couple of strides and ask for a simple lead change. Again work both directions at all 3 gaits. For some rail work start at the walk using your outside leg (rail) and push your horse's shoulder out off the rail and back again. Do the same for the haunches, moving them off the rail with the outside leg and pushing them back to the rail with the inside leg. Work both directions at 2 gaits. (walk/trot) On the rail again at the walk bend your horse's head to the inside while keeping his shoulder and body parallel to the rail. This will limber up the neck and spine. Work this in both directions at the walk. And lastly, if you have ground poles, work your horse over the ground poles at a walk and trot. Place the poles 12 feet apart and give him his head over the poles. Lots of leg if he hesitates. This will keep his topline flexable. More experienced riders can do this at the lope/canter. Do these exercises several times a week and you will be amazed at how flexable your horse will become.

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14y ago

At least 30 minutes of solidexercise per day whether this is lounging,riding or racing.

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