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Most dogs dont have problems at the birth if research has been done before hand and you know what to do if a problem arouses because many a time, the problem is simple to cure but the person doesnt know how to cure it. Some of the more common problems that are easally avoided are making sure your dog is the right age to have babies; has good health; the sire(farther) has good health; eats correcly during and after pregnancy and is left to her own accord during birth, dogs pick up on your fear and nervs during the birth and this scence could tell her that she should be scared too. only help if you need to

The answer to this question is to revise before whelping and know what your doing.

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Q: What are some complications in a dog giving birth?
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Do you assist in your dog giving birth?

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Yes they do .

Can a dog give birth in a cage?

Depends on it size and the dog size and how many it is giving birth too

Is it normal for a dog to have the shakes a little the day after giving birth?

Yes this can happen. Giving birth can be quite traumatic.They will shake because it is all new to them trust me my dog gave birth today

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What if your dog is giving birth when your not there?

Often times nothing. Dogs have been giving birth to puppies for longer than man has been around in to intervene. Dog owners do like to be there in case there are any complications though. Sometimes The puppy might be too big. I know it sounds stupid, but it could happen.

What happen if tne dog give a birth and finish to giving birth and still something came out from her body?

If a dog appears to be finished giving birth but continues to have something protruding from her body, it could be a retained placenta or a puppy that did not come out during the initial birthing process. This can be a serious issue that requires immediate veterinary attention to prevent infection and complications.

What is it called when a dog has a baby?

a puppyThe process of a dog giving birth is called whelping.

Can a female dog get pregnant 6 days after giving birth?


What is it called when a dog is giving birth?

Whelping or parturition.