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Q: What are prairies called in South America?
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What are the prairies of north America Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Argentina south Africa and the middle latitudes of eurasia called?

They are generally referred to as prairies or grasslands.

What are the grasslands of North America called?

The grasslands of Northern Americas are called "Prairies".

In North America what are grasslands called?


What are grassland of North America called?


Are grasslands called prairies only in the US or are they called that in other countries?

Grasslands are not exclusively called prairies in the US. The term "prairie" is commonly used in North America, specifically the central part of the continent. In other countries, grasslands may have different names, such as savannah in Africa, pampas in South America, or steppe in Eurasia.

What is the north American treeless grassy plain called?

The treeless grassy plain in North America is called the prairie.

Is there a country in Africa that is called South America?

No, there is no country in Africa called South America. However, their are two countries in Africa called South Africa and South Sudan.

What other name for grasslands is used in North America?

Prairies are grasslands in North America.

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What are inland grassland areas called?

Inland grassland areas are called prairies in North America, steppes in Asia, pampas in South America, and velds in South Africa. These areas are characterized by grasses and herbaceous vegetation with few or no trees.

Where are pampas prairies steppes and the High Veld found?

Pampas are found in South America, particularly in Argentina and Uruguay. Prairies are predominantly located in North America, particularly in the central United States. Steppes are found in Eurasia, in countries like Russia, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia. The High Veld is located in South Africa.

What can prairies steppes and pampas classified as?

These ecosystems are typically classified as grasslands characterized by extensive, flat terrain and predominantly covered with grasses and non-woody vegetation. They are found in different parts of the world, such as in North America (prairies), Eurasia (steppes), and South America (pampas).