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Q: What are people who love fire called?
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What is the book after Fire star called?

How many people don't know this! This is simple! Its called The Fire Eternal. I love these books and i think more people should read them!

What is someone who is in love with fire called?

Someone who is in love with fire isn't necessarily someone who burns houses! The real answer is pyromaniac.

What was Shakespeare's sonnet 30 about?

It's also called fire and ice. The more he loves her the more she dislikes him. His burning love like fire hardens the ice which is her love of him.

What are the people that watch for bushfires called?

They're called Fire Marshalls.

Why do people love Catching Fire?

People like catchire fire because it is a adventure, unique, and fantastic book from the hunger games series. You should read it =)

What is the meaning of the idiom 'set your heart on fire'?

When you set someone's heart on fire, you're not standing in front of a lit bonfire! This means to start the "flames" of love in someone. People in love often feel as if they are "on fire" with love or "burning" with love. They describe love as hot, fiery, and "the spice of life." Therefore, when you first notice someone in that special way, they have set your heart on fire.

What is the stuff that people are covered in after a fire or explosion called?

It's called soot.

What are the people that love Justin Bieber called?

Hi everybody, The people that really love Justin Bieber are called BELIEVERS... Hope this answer was helpful !

What are vampires with the power to make people love them called?

love hemithis

What is the word for people who love people?

The people who love each other are called the love birds.The are also called the couple.You can call them the doves or something similar.The people who love other people or help other people are called the philanthropist.

What was it called when they lined up people and shot them?

fire squad!

What are people who love crashes called?
