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Not all species of tree kangaroos are endangered. For those that are, the main danger to tree kangaroos is habitat loss. Destruction of rainfo rests means loss of habitat, and loss of food source. Unlike some other highly adaptable marsupials, tree kangaroos need a very specific habitat. Also, in parts of northern Australia, quite a few tree kangaroo deaths are caused by cars. Introduced species such as foxes and wild dogs are also a major problem.

Members of the public can help by always reporting any injured tree kangaroos they may see. People can be vigilant for feral animals that may threaten the tree kangaroos; they can also be sure to drive carefully through known tree kangaroo habitat areas.

There are a number of things that are being done to try and help tree kangaroos. In Australia there is a concerted effort by wildlife organisations to build corridors between remnant patches of rain forest in the hope that this will stabilise the population. In several places, under-road tunnels have been built to allow safe passage of tree kangaroos from one area to another, and monitoring suggests this strategy has seen some success, although more so among native fauna other than the tree kangaroos. Road signs to warn traffic of tree kangaroos have been placed in several locations, due to quite high mortality rates from the animals being hit by cars.

In far north Queensland in the region of the Atherton Tableland (the favoured habitat of Lumholtz's tree-kangaroo), there are several volunteer groups acting to implement the Wildlife Habitat Management Plans. Incorporated within these plans are strategies to reinstate 80 hectares of rainforest vegetation, and to provide surveys and monitoring of the tree kangaroos.

In New Guinea, education is needed to teach the locals the value of saving these species and not eating them. Given that most of the indigenous population of New Guinea (both the Indonesian half and the Papua New Guineans) still live in traditional tribal groups, with their associated culture and practices, this is virtually impossible to achieve. To this end, nonetheless, in 1999 the Conservation Education Program was begun to raise awareness - at least among some members of the upcoming generation.

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10y ago

Although, as of 2013, koalas are not officially endangered, they are still vulnerable, and there are very real fears that they may become extinct in the future If people in the community do nothing to help them. To prevent this from happening, individuals within the community need to raise awareness of the koalas' specialised habitat needs, and increase awareness of how much bushland is cut down for housing and roads.

Housing developments lead to an increase in the number of domestic dogs roaming through bushland, and dogs are one of the koalas' biggest killers. In addition, too many people allow their pets to wander unsupervised. If you are someone who lives in a known koala area, then ensure your dog is always well supervised.

Developments and land clearing also lead to more roads. Koalas have a range of home trees, and their territory is often split by roads through new urban developments. As a result, when koalas try to wander from one of their home range trees to another, they are hit by cars. If drivers slowed down through area where koalas are known to wander, there would be fewer deaths again.

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13y ago

The Eastern Grey Kangaroo is not in need of help. It is not endangered, and it is quite plentiful.

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How does tree kangaroos living in trees help it survive?

By living in trees, tree kangaroos can stay safe from ground-dwelling predators.

Do tree kangaroos hide their food?

No. Tree kangaroos do not hide their food.

What are tree kangaroo enemies?

The main enemies of tree kangaroos are dingoes and pythons. The introduction of dogs has resulted in many tree kangaroos being killed when people have allowed their dogs to run loose.

Are there Asian kangaroos?

The only kangaroos in Asia are tree kangaroos.

Are kangaroos extinct?

No, they are very much alive and doing fairly well. The kangaroos and their relatives occur principally in Australia, including its island state of Tasmania, while tree kangaroos are found in New Guinea.

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Yes. Kangaroos, tree kangaroos, wallabies, wallaroos, potoroos and pademelons are all part of the kangaroo family.

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What is a group of tree kangaroos called?

There is no such thing as a "normal" kangaroo, given that there are over 60 species of kangaroo. However, differences between tree kangaroos and the animal most commonly thought of as kangaroos (Red kangaroos and Grey kangaroos) are:Tree kangaroos are indeed arboreal-dwelling, spending much of their time feeding and resting in trees. Red and grey kangaroos are strictly ground-dwelling, and cannot climb at all.Tree kangaroos are smaller and stockier, and certainly more agile. They have stronger front legs to assist with climbing, and longer tails to help with balance.Tree kangaroos eat leaves and fruit. Red and Grey kangaroos do not readily eat fruit in their native habitat.

Do tree kangaroos hop or do they stay in trees?

Whilst tree kangaroos can leap agilely from tree branch to branch, they do jump down from trees. One of the main dangers to tree kangaroos comes from being hit by cars. Only tree kangaroos are able to leap between tree branches. The other 60 or so species of kangaroos do not climb trees.

What type of kangaroo did the aborigines eat?

All species of kangaroos can be eaten, whether they are red kangaroos, grey kangaroos, wallaroos, wallabies, potoroos, tree kangaroos or rat-kangaroos.

Why are pythons danger to tree kangaroos?

Pythons are a danger to tree kangaroos because tree kangaroos are smaller then the typical kangaroo so the python will strangle this animal and kill it right then and there.

What do red tree kangaroos get born in?

There is no species called the Red Tree Kangaroo. The animal which many people believe is a red tree kangaroo is actually a Golden-mantled tree Kangaroo. Female tree kangaroos tend to give birth within the safey of tree branches off the ground.