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they are not trawling a lot anymore for the sole purpose of not harming marine life such as dolphins, porpoises and whales

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Q: What are people doing to help killer whales?
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Related questions

How can people proctect killer whales?

By not killing them is a simple answer. Otherwise they can sign petitions and what not to help 8>

In what season does killer whales reproduce?

please help

The difference between beluga whales and killer whales help them survive in their habitat?


How does a killer whales tail help them?

it helps them attack predators.

What are families of killer whales called?

I beleve that killer whale families are called flukes. Did this help?

Killer whale of the conclusion?

We can help the killer whales by learning all we can about them. The more we learn about them, the better we can help and protect them. As a top predator, the killer whales fill a spot in nature by eating the weak, old, and sick sea creatures.

Do killer whales have adaptations?

Killer whales have adapted to be able to swim quickly. They also have sharp teeth to help them kill prey, and they stay in groups for safety.

What adaptations do killer whales have?

Killer whales have adapted to be able to swim quickly. They also have sharp teeth to help them kill prey, and they stay in groups for safety.

How long do killer whales look after ther babies?

Killer whales keep their calves with them for life because they need more members in the pod to help hunt down larger animals.

What does a Killer Bee have to help it move?

wings and a points back to hurt people doing bad stuff to it

How do you help save killer whales?

Don't wear make up, and stop killing them as a sport!

What is being done to help save the Killer Whales from being extinct?

They are in danger, i will post when i find out.