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Mammals are warm-blooded animals with fur. There are birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, athropods, platyhelminths, poriferans, annelids, nematodes, cnidarians, echinoderms, mollusc's and there are fish which are scaly vertebrates that live in water.

Further information:

There are no "mammal Fish". Mammals are mammals and fish are fish. Mammals are warm-blooded creatures with fur or skin, breathing through lungs, and feeding their yong on mothers's mlk, while fish are cold-blooded creatures covered with scales, and which breathe using gills.

There are, however, mammals which live underwater and, like all mammals, suckle their young on mothers' milk. These are dolphins, whales, Narwhals, dugong, manatees and porpoises. Then there are the mammals which actually live on land, but spend much of their time at sea, and so have adaptations in their limbs which act as fins. These include walruses, seals

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