Well, if this answers your question, Big 'Monkeys' such as Gorillas and Chimpanzees don't have tails, but they are actually called Apes. Most 'monkeys' who have a tail are called monkeys.
An animal with a tail is called tailed or tailed animal.
the fifth arm
Monkeys are small and have a tail Apes are larger and don't have a tail
New World Monkeys
A snow monkeys tail is usually around 1.2 meters long.
A monkey's tail acts as a counterbalance when they perform tight lateral turns. Some monkeys use their tail as a third arm, hanging from branches by the tail.
To keep their balance.
the spider monkey has a long tail to grip onto things :) and they are very cute too!
Because apes body weight is to heavy for a tail
They breath from their tail.
No they have no tail because they are not monkeys -hope this helps your with your question!
Monkeys have four legs, two used as arms, two solely as legs.