There are several low lip changes that occur when a disease is present. Many times the lower lip can get lesions that could turn into cancer. A medical doctor will be able to diagnose and treat any skin changes.
it may turn white and become num why cause the Novocain relaxes and cuts off pain in that area.
A correct medical synonym for "upper lip" is "labium superius oris". A correct medical synonym for "lower lip" is "labium inferius oris".The anatomic term for the upper lip is the "labium superius oris" and the lower lip is "lower lip" is "labium inferius oris".
The skin of the lip is composed of five cellular layers.
lip quivering
it means you look so sad that your lower lip is drooping excessively.
If you mean by pulling the lower lip with the hook of the candy cane, no, you cannot break your lower lip. It is more likely that the candy can will break than for it to break your lower lip. It is possible, however, if you have some sort of super cane that is stronger than other normal candy canes.
ice (:
it means if someones pouting their lower lip sticks out.
There is no meaning that I'm aware of. If you're asking what it is however. It's when you pierce your lower lip twice. It's usually done evenly, with a gap in the middle giving a symmetrical appearance.Snakebite piercings are where the skin beneath the lower lip is pierced twice, making it look like bite marks.v3n0m531
Well because it orbits the lip, that's why it's called a lip piercing.
It means that it seems like your going to trip over your lower lip.