Some good girl kitten names could be Luna, Bella, Daisy, or Willow. Choose a name that you like and that suits your kitten's personality or appearance.
Some good names for a Scottish fold kitten are Maxie, Scoops, and pidgin.
The possessive form is the kitten's personality.
Billy the Kitten is described as "nihilistic".
It depends on your kitten's gender, personality, and coat color. Like if you have a golden tabby tom that is very boisterous, you might name it Sunblaze or Bounceshimmer
Kitten names do not have proper popularity listings :(
its your kitten name it your self
When a new kitten is introduced, a cat's personality may change as they may become more territorial, anxious, or even more playful. This can vary depending on the individual cat and their relationship with the new kitten.
good names for a red eared slider should be based on their personality/what they're like. hope this helped.
Good kitten names:SpeedyGigglyPuffballPufflesTuffyFoofy
There are three names listed for a baby bunny. These names include kit, kitten, and bunny. The baby name for a rat is pup or kitten.
Depends what kind of names you want. If you want human names I would suggest Larry, Harry and Willy. I'm sure you can think of some. If not, google cat names.