The red fox is placed in the order of Carnivora. The red fox is placed in the order of Carnivora. The red fox is placed in the order of Carnivora.
Smoky Red is one variation of the red fox. This variation of red fox has black on its paws.
a red fox has red and brown fur to help it hide from its predators .the red fox is amazing at camouflage
A red fox is a consumer.
A red fox is a carnivore.
A bobcat eats a fed fox. (*cough* RED FOX *cough*)
Yes, they are a subspecies.
I think a Red Fox
red fox
The average litter is 5 cubs.a small red fox.
Vulpes vulpes, and it's not called a red tail fox, it's just red fox.
Thomas Jefferson did have the nickname "Red Fox".