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horses that aren't tame are called wild horses. The difference between wild horses and tame horses is that tame horses are a lot calmer for one. They let you ride them and are used to life in a stable. Wild horses, however, would throw you off if you tried to ride them. That is, if you can even get near them!

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

They are both horses and they both still have a mind of there own

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Demestic horses and wild horses live about 30-40 years. They also need excercise. Your welcome XD

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Q: What are alike between domestic and wild horses?
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Why are horses born wild?

Not all horses are born wild. Domestic horses when born are not really wild, they are just young and need education. There is a big difference between a wild horse and a domestic, green horse.

Why do wild horses have stand up manes but domestic horses don't?

Not all wild horses have erect manes and not all domestic horses have 'floppy' manes. Some wild horses developed erect manes to help with camouflage and cooling. While domestic horses and other wild horses mainly have floppy manes to help shoo away bugs.

What is the difference between domestic and wild horses?

Domestic horses have been bred and raised by humans for specific purposes such as riding, racing, or agriculture, while wild horses live in the wild and have not been domesticated. Domestic horses are typically more docile and accustomed to human interaction, while wild horses exhibit more natural behaviors and live in a more natural environment.

What is the physical differences between wild horses and domesticated horses?

Wild horses were, naturally born in the wild. They have much more bucking power then domestic horses because they must throw killer cougers off their backs. They usually know how to break ice while many domestic horses don't. They usually have more sure footing then domestic horses. Some have been known to throw themselves into rivers or off cliffs rather than be caught by mustangers.

Mustangs bigger than domestic horses?

No, Mustangs are just wild horses.

Do wild horses eat hay?

yes, but it is not the hay you feed domestic horses. it is just more like dried wild grasses.

Why do domestic horses need their teeth floated when wild horses get by perfectly fine without it?

Horses living in the wild have their own ways to get what they need. Such as they have been observed eating a certain type of clay which rids them of internal parasites. Domestic horses eat differently then their wild cousins. Their teeth aren't worn off like wild horses so they need the help of a vet.

Do wild horses act differently to domestic horses?

No. A horse is a horse and behaves like a horse regardless if it's wild, feral or domesticated.

What teeth do wild horses have?

Same as domestic horses; teeth developed to chomp down on and chew grass.

Is wild horses hair long?

yes, compared to up-kept domestic horses manes and tails.

What are wild horses called in Australia?

Wild horses in Australia are commonly referred to as brumbies. They are descendants of domestic horses that have escaped into the wild and now live in various regions across the country.

Is a shark domestic or wild?

a fish is a wild animal yet a domestic like a gold fish you would have in a fish tank is domestic but something like a flounder from the ocean is wild