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They are not a mix of anything.... they an AKC recognized breed, also known as:

Phalène (drop ear type)

Continental Toy Spaniel

Epagneul Nain Continental

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Q: What are Papillon puppies a mix of?
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Where can you get a Papillon Pomeranian Mix dog?

your nearest papillon pomeranian mix dog breeder or a pet store may have one.

How many puppies can a papillon have at once?


How many puppies do papallions give birth to?

I have seen a Papillon have 6 healthy puppies.

Does a Papillon dog shed?

My Papillon poodle mix dpes not shed, but when you go to comb/brush (which you'll need to do at least once a week to prevent matting), some hair will come out.

Are papillon puppies hyperallergenic?

No. No dog breed istrulyhyper-allergenic. They all shed and they all have saliva.Papillons are low to moderate shedders.

What happens when you mix puppies and nitrogen?

they die?

When a full blooded lab has been bred with a lab mix what lab percentage will the puppies be?

This depends on the amount of Labrador in the lab mix. I am assuming the mix is 50% Labrador. Then their puppies would be 75% Labrador.

How do you spell the french word for butterfly?

butterfly is translated papillon in French.

Does Justin Bieber hate puppies?

He loves all animals, and owns a dog named Sam, which is a papillon. His Dad also recently got another dog, named Juno.

If anybody have mix breed of lab and when she is pregnant with pure lab so the breed was mix or pure?

If the female dog is a mix breed but the male is a purebred lab, the puppies would be considered a mix of the two breeds. The puppies will inherit characteristics from both parents, making them a mix breed.

What is the sequel to the movie papillon?

"Papillon" (1973) does not have a sequel.

What are the breeds that make a papillon?

A Papillon IS a dog breed.