There are no monkeys in the ape family. Apes are apes and monkeys are monkeys.
primate I believe is the word you are looking for.
ate ape apple astronomy anger area answer ask angle
silver back gorilla
Antelope Ant, ant eater, alligator, ape, anaconda, armadillo
- Orangutan (Ape) - Oriole (Bird) - Some breeds of Octopus
ape Aardvark Antelope Alligator Agama Ant Armadillo Anaconda Antechinus Anteater
ok i am not an evolutionist but i do know the ape to human phase. It starts at a piece of dirt to a bug then a butterfly to a snake to a mouse to a rat to a brand new baby monkey to an adult monkey to a ape to a gorilla to human then from human all the way back down to nohing.
Ant, any, ape, apt, ask, ate, awe and axe are words. They begin with the letter a.