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That depends on the problem, but the most common medicines are Surolan and Otomax for bacterial and yeast infections which cause inflamation and terrible odor in the ears. If it's ear mites which look like wet coffee grounds in the ear revoulution or advantage multi are usually recommended. Make sure you clean the ears regualrly if its prone to infections with a routine ear cleaner. Always clean the ears daily while the dog is on ear drops.

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11y ago

This will depend upon what is causing the ear infection. Dogs tend to get ear infections with one of three pathogen types: Gram positive bacteria, Gram negative bacteria or yeast. In really bad cases, dogs can get mixed infections with two or even all three classes of pathogens in their ear.

Gram positive bacteria can generally be treated with a penicillin-class antibiotic. Gram negative bacteria can generally be treated with a later generation cephalosporin. Yeast must be treated with an antifungal medication.

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Yes, there are oral antibiotics that may be prescribed by a veterinarian to help clean out an ear infection. However, this requires an examination by the veterinarian to determine what is causing the ear infection as well as a prescription for the antibiotics.

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