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cows, goats, llamas and camels

Goat - Feta Cheese, Goat's Cheese

Sheep - Roquefort Cheese & Feta Cheese

Water Buffalo - Mozzarella Cheese

Cows - Mozzrella Cheese, Cheddar Cheese, Muenster Cheese, Limburger Cheese & more.

Camel - Camel Cheese

Llama - Llama Cheese.

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Q: What animals produce milk for cheese?
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What animals milk used to make authentic Italian mozzarella cheese?

No animals produce cheese. Some animals produce milk which can be turned into cheese, like goats, buffalo, sheep, cows, donkeys, camels, reindeer, certain horses, water buffalo, and yaks, but no animals produce cheese. Also, don't try to milk your cat or something stupid like that. It won't work. And please don't make human cheese.

Does a sheep produce cheese?

A goat doesn't produce cheese. It produces milk, in which cheese is made. The process of milking a goat is similar to that of cows, but on a much smaller scale. The cheeses made with goats milk are much easier to achieve than that made from cows milk. A sheep doesn't produce cheese but there are certain breeds of sheep that you can milk and from this milk cheese can be produced.

How do you produce different types of cheese?

Cattle milk, sheep milk & GOAT milk

What kind of animal is cheese?

Cheese is not an aniamal, it is made from animals milk

Does cheese grow?

No, It is made from the separation of milk from any animal that can produce milk.

You can make edible cheese from the milk of how many different animals?

You can make edible cheese from the milk of 24 different mammals

What does minnisota produce?

Dairy products...(cheese, milk, etc.)

Can an aardvark produce milk for making cheese?


Does a sloth produce milk?

They do not, they are of the reptilion species. Mammals are a specimen of animals that produce milk.

What animals eat cheese?

Many animals enjoy eating cheese, including mice, rats, rabbits, and some birds. However, not all animals can digest dairy products easily, so it's important to consider this when offering cheese to animals as food.

Is cheese made out of milk?

yes, cheese is made out of milk. :) :) :) :) :) :) XD :P Well, most cheeses are made of milk but there are artificially produced cheeses that don't contain any milk.

Where doe s cheese some from?

cheese comes from milk made by cows or other animals