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tigers and leopards eat siamangs

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Q: What animals eat siamang?
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Is a siamang a predator or prey?

Siamangs are small gibbons (apes) that live in trees. Because they are so agile while moving in the trees, almost no predators can catch them. Siamangs eat vegetation and small animals. Like almost all wild animals they are prey to some, and predators to others.

What are siamang behavior?

its a large black omnivore

What the height for the siamang?

are you even taliking in english

How long does a siamang live?

1 second

How fast is a siamang?

200mph when falling from the sky if it ever was

Animals the eat both plants and animals?

Animals that eat both plants and animals are called omnivores.

4 classification of animals according to the food they eat?

Herbivores: Animals that primarily eat plants and vegetation. Carnivores: Animals that primarily eat other animals. Omnivores: Animals that eat both plants and other animals. Detritivores: Animals that feed on dead and decaying organic matter.

What is a name for animals who only eat other animals?

Carnivores are animals who eat other animals. Herbivores are animals who eat only plants. And Omnivores are animals who eat both plants and animals(most humans are omnivores).

Can your food eat you?

yes food(animals) can eat you because you eat animals mbut when animals arent cooked they can eat you

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What can fly and eat only animals?

Voltures can fly and eat animals ,they are carnivores,she only eat animals

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No animals can eat helicopters.